The Junkers

Name, nationality, town/country
Gianpaolo Bertoncin, Rome, Italy.
What is the process that drives you to be the artist you are today?
I had been drawing since I was a kid… I went to some school, stuff like high school and college. Meanwhile my dad taught me to love motorcycles. Then I worked as a designer here and there. Then I got friggin’ sick with all that crap, so here I am. Freelance and happy as a lark.
3 adjectives that define you the best?
Handsome, smart, charming.
What are your influences? your work inspiration?
Movies, underground culture, books, comics and cartoons, skateboard culture, dogs, bike magazines, movies (yes, two times).
Your working technique(s) (pen, stencil, paint, ink, digital…)?
I use mostly a drawing screen/tablet. So I’m 90% digital now. Of course I love to draw with and on everything. I do a lot of hand painted things.
Stuff like t-shirts, helmets, tanks, leather jackets, but it’s all things I keep to myself.
With which artist are you dreaming (dreamed) to work (even dead artist)?
I never thought about it… Maybe the first pioneer caveman to draw a pack of mammoths.
Anyway, someone funny. I try to stay hell away from those who take themselves too seriously.
If you have to choose one book or magazine?
“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kesey.
Is music important for you, especially in your work process? what are you listening now?
No, it’s not that important. I appreciate the silence. Anyway I listen to a bit of everything… Gorillaz, Nirvana, Beastie Boys, Run DMC, classical music.
The website you’re visiting every day?
News websites.
If you have to leave for one month in a desert place, what are the 3 « things » you will bring with you?
My motorcycle and 2 fuel tanks.
A funny story to tell ?
More than one. Like the time that Hell’s Angel’s legal department contacted me because I drew a little boy popping a wheely on his bicycle and the words “My dad was an Hells angels”… Or when Steve Mcqueen’s legal department contacted me because I had portrayed the King of Cool in an illustration… Oh, ok. Why am I talking about this shit? 😀