‘‘At Age of Glory, our fuel is vintage motorcycles, and more specifically those from the 70s. The ones that shake a little too much, that leak a little too much, that make a little too much noise but that have a real soul. Motorcycles of character whose little worries we share with friends. Over time, a real relationship is established with these machines. They require more attention, more maintenance and just listening, we know right away if the day will go well. . . or not.
These moments of sharing, riding with friends with these motorcycles are mostly unforgettable. If we ride bikes and make clothes, it’s to live those moments!’’
Sébastien, owner of Age of Glory
The romantic is the one who prefers feelings to reason. This definition is probably not the first formulation that would come to mind when you talk about romanticism, but it’s so true — We would prefer to talk about idealism or sentimentality. That is also true. You would probably want to talk about emotion as well, about daydreaming…. In fact, everything is true. And without knowing it, we are true romantics and maybe among the last in our passion, but not the only ones!

We are all equally passionate, dreamers but absolutely not rational.
Our feelings dominate the reasonable because we are The Last Romantics.

But riding with old loves is unfortunately not always a fairy tale: leaks, grease and oil, noise, breakdowns of all kinds… But there is no perfect love! These mechanics live, they have a soul, a personality that evolves with time but we end up accepting their defects and greatly attaching ourselves to them.
It is also through them that we can make beautiful human encounters, to share his own experiences, anecdotes, little tricks and especially unforgettable and unique moments. These moments have to be shared with friends, often in the workshop, but also on the roads or paths, and when possible, to discover new spaces, to escape. Each ride can quickly turn into a great adventure: we know when we leave but it is our machines that often dictate the end of the story… We are all equally passionate, dreamers but absolutely not rational. Our feelings dominate the reasonable because we are the last romantics.
”These mechanics live, they have a soul, a personality that evolves with time but we end up accepting their defects and greatly attaching ourselves to them.”

Alex & Antoine the riders,
The whole Chez Moi Prod crew,
Tom & Geraud,
And all those who help us to realize this short movie!